
For as long as I can remember I’ve always wanted to try Matcha KitKat’s, unfortunately I always found them to be quite expensive for me and also they weren’t always the easiest to come across!

However, yesterday as my Boyfriend and I were browsing in the Chinese supermarket we often go to I came across these beauties and I SCREAMED! Instantly threw them into the cart and rushed to the checkout – I wanted to get home fast to eat them! I was so excited!


This package was around $6, most of them are but I decided to just go for it! The package contains 12 miniature KitKat’s which are individually wrapped – adorable.

They are the perfect size to throw into your bag to have as a snack but also if you want a something sweet and small in the afternoon.

On the back of the package you can write a little message if you’re handing these out as a gift which I think is a lovely idea, there’s also a little bit of history about where the flavoring of the Matcha comes from on the back, I can’t read Japanese but luckily my boyfriend is fluent!


The colour is a light green with some darker flecks which I assume would be the Matcha powder, it’s quite a milky green if that makes sense, It’s a very beautiful colour, even the inside of the wafer has green tea cream (and is also green!) instead of the original chocolate.

The smell is so alluring, it doesn’t have a strong smell of green tea, rather a sweet smell, with only slight hints of the green tea, it makes you want to take a bite right away, whenever I opened the package I always had to take a quick sniff it’s a very inviting smell.

So the taste! What we’ve been waiting for! It keeps its creamy flavor, and falls more to a white chocolate taste rather than an overpowering green tea, definitely no strong bitterness, the sweet defiantly is a lot more pronounced – If you’ve ever had an Iced Matcha Green Tea Latte it’s very reminiscent of that! The cream inside of the wafers is also a green tea flavor, although not as strong as the chocolate on the outside it goes really well with the crunch and taste of the wafer. It left me wanting to eat another, and another, and another.. It’s a sweet taste that doesn’t make you feel guilty, it’s very sophisticated and, in a way, refreshing.

Overall, I love this KitKat, so much so that it has made me want to try more Japanese flavors! My boyfriend on the other hand thinks it’s nothing to rave about, but I put it down to him previously living in Japan for 4 years and being Matcha’d out!

If you haven’t tried this KitKat I recommend you do! You can purchase them here or find them in most Asian supermarkets!

What is your favorite flavor of KitKat? What should I try next? Let me know!

What I ate today!


I don’t know about you, but I always love to know what people are eating!

It gives me ideas of what I’d like to eat, meal prep ideas and so on. Plus, I enjoy seeing the beauty of food!

I created my own video on so you can click here to watch my video on what I ate today!


For breakfast I had some oatmeal and added in some raisins – my raisins had gotten slightly dry so adding them into the boiling water and oatmeal really helps to plump them back up! I also added a sliced banana (my FAVE) with some hemp hearts to top it off. I also drank a small glass of vegetable juice.


Lunch was pretty basic as always, but basic to me is totally ok, I enjoy the basic because it’s what I love! I made avocado toast you can find the recipe here to see my post on Avocado Toast in 5 Minutes! I just changed it slightly by missing out the red pepper flakes! I had Miso soup too! Super filling and tasty meal!


For dinner we always have a base of white rice, now  I love white rice, if we don’t have it for a day I really miss it! I also made a simple tofu and veggie stir fry you can get the recipe by clicking here it’s seriously so good! We had some left over broccoli too so we also ate that, plus I cooked some zucchini in garlic and it was amazing!

I don’t snack during the day because I don’t really care to, but when I eat I can really eat A LOT, I do usually sometimes end up eating a banana or nice cream around 9-10pm (ish) when I start to feel a little desire to something sweet!



Matcha Oatmeal

For a while now I’ve been very curious as to how Matcha (green tea powder) would taste in oatmeal. I adore the flavor of Matcha, especially lattes – which are my absolute favorite way to have Matcha. It can also be found in candy, chocolate and ice cream.


I finally decided to try some in my oatmeal in a very simple way – I was curious and I have seen it floating around the internet! I bought my Matcha powder form my local Korean/Japanese store for around $6. Some can be more expensive however, and that matters as the higher the price is the higher chance of getting a better quality powder!

Matcha (for me anyway) would require a little bit of sweetening as the flavor is very ‘earthy’ I simply use a small amount of maple syrup and it’s perfect.


Matcha Oatmeal Recipe:


  • 3/4 cup almond milk (or any non-dairy milk)
  • 1/3 cup quick cooking oats
  • 1 tsp Matcha powder
  • 1 tsp maple syrup


  • Bring 3/4 cup of non-dary milk to a boil (I use 1/2 water 1/2 milk), add in oats then reduce heat to a medium and stir occasionally.
  • When some liquid has absorbed stir in the Matcha powder and maple syrup and stir well.
  • When you’ve reached a desired texture remove from the heat and add into a bowl – add any toppings you love. (I used dark chocolate and hemp seeds)

*I used measurements based on my oatmeal package for 1 serving of oatmeal – please adjust accordingly to suit yourself!*


Overall, I enjoyed the taste and it was a new experience. However saying that I couldn’t finish the bowl, and I ALWAYS finish my bowl, I may be small but I can surely eat a lot! The flavour was quite intense for me after a while, I think because I didn’t add enough toppings, maybe with some coconut and banana it would be better. I possible will try again in the future! But for now I think this is a nice recipe to try, but I’m doubtful I’ll be crazing Matcha oatmeal again.
